jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020


Mercury and The Carpenter - Fables of Aesop

Good morning guys!
Today we have a new Sam´s story. 

Here you have useful vocabulary, read it before listening to the story: 
- wings: alas
- woodman: leñador
- axe: hacha
- honest: sincero,honesto
- neighbour: vecino
- jealous: celoso
- greedy: avaro, codicioso

After the listening, you are going to answer these questions on your notebook (remember full sentences)

1. What does Mercury have on his feet?
2. What did the Woodman lose and where?
3. How did Mercury reward the Woodman for his honesty?
4. Who lied to Mercury and claimed the golden axe?
5. What is the moral of the story?


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