jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020


PAGE Nº 46

ANSWERS  (Nº 1, 2 and 3) AND LISTENING (Nº 6)

Nº1  Which one would you prefer to live in? Why?

" I would prefer to live in.............., because........................................................."

Nº2  Vocabulary about house&home:

- freezing:  icy, frozen, really cold..
- huge: big, giant, large...
- lively: full of live, animated...
- elderly: old
- sociable: someone who is sociable likes being with people and meeting new people.
- garden: an area of ground, usually near a house, where flowers, vegetables, fruits or herbs are grown
- view:sight or vision.
- cosy: comfortable and warm.
- smart:cool, fashionable, stylish. Also intelligent, clever...
- rainy:having great amounts of rain.
- cultural events: exhibitions, films and concerts are examples of cultural events.
- historical buildings: structures, houses from the past.
- traditional: in accordance with tradition.
- snowy: covered with snow, icy...
- warm: moderately hot
- peaceful: calm, pleasant, quiet....
- busy: full of activity.
- convenient: useful, helful, practical...
- comfortable: pleasant.
- crowded: filled with people.
- coast: the land next to the sea.
- windy: breezy
- quiet: having little or no noise.
- kind: nice, good...
- countryside: a rural area
- friendly: cordial, sympathetic
- plenty of space: amount of capacity
- exciting: interesting, sensational...

Nº3 Write words and pharases in the correct list:

- Weather: rainy, freezing, snowy, warm, windy

- Your village or town: cultral events, huge, lively, historical buildings, traditional, peaceful, busy, convenient, crowded, the coast, quiet, in the countryside, friendly, exciting

-People: lively, elderly, sociable, smart, quiet, kind, friendly

-House or apartment: huge, a garden, a view, cosy, smart, convenient, comfortable, quiet, plenty of space.

Nº6  Listen to Bea and check your answers of exercise nº 5.


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